single step

single step

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Neverends

Well, this afternoon was interesting. After a wonderful morning spent with our baby, we ran a few errands and then headed back to what I have dubbed, "The Clown House" because I just wasn't feeling well. Then the cramping and mild fever started and it seemed all too much like mild contractions so we headed over to our favorite hospital and checked in at the ER. After much talking and answering of questions, we finally came to a diagnosis that was later proved as he pulled a piece of leftover placenta out of me.

As I told my mom, I must have loved giving birth so much I just had to do it again. (To which I say to Justin's sister Erin, maybe that was our "triplet".) I was then wheeled down to ultrasound where they made sure there weren't any other remnants and thank goodness there wasn't. This made me very happy as if there was it sounded rather painful to remove. We even went to see Elizabeth for a short bit which made me happy again. Anyway, we are back at the clown house and ready for bed. My symptoms have abated significantly and I hope there won't be anything else to deal with like this. As Justin put on the Gofundme page:

“I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much.” - Mother Teresa

(Though I know He was with us tonight and I was very thankful for his presence and blessings.)


  1. Wow, You're right....Never ending! I'm so happy you're ok.. I also want to say how proud I am of you and Justin, and how in love I am with lil Lizzy Lyn. My heart is just so full.

  2. ::Hugs:: so sorry for everything the whole family has been through!
