single step

single step

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A Little Nonsense Now and Then

Justin and I finally tried out Roadhouse Cinemas which is a movie theater with recliners and dinner. We saw the new Peanuts movie which was good and enjoyed the atmosphere. Then later on as we were turning down the road to the Clown House I remembered that the room key was in my backpack at the hospital. 


But we made it in time for her last feed before she had to go NPO for surgery. She horked down 20mL in one shot. For a moment I thought she might take the whole bottle, but no such luck. It's good to see her continually improving though. And I'm glad we got to be a part of it. 

I also captured this treasure. 

Can you see what's going on here? Here's a better angle. 

She is holding her binkie which is just barely in her mouth. And she was occasionally suck on it in her sleep. Adorbs! I'm glad we got this moment, and I'm glad we had a little nonsense fun. Now to face tomorrow. Good night. 

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