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single step

Monday, August 24, 2015

Answered Prayers

Stress is just a part of this experience, to say the least. Some days it's higher than others and I ended up in the pump room praying for relief. I felt like just talking and venting with our social worker would help but wasn't sure where to find her. 

I was almost done with my pumping regiment when I got a text from Justin telling me she had been moved to a private room. He led me there once we were done and lo and behold our social worker found us. We had a long talk in a private room which did wonders. 

But then to top it off, she popped back in and...

I burst into tears as she told us we should get out and have a date soon. Amazing how much God listens and helps with every little detail. We both feel so much better and Elizabeth has a quieter, private space to sleep. Plus we got some better explanations of what surgery might mean and since they are 80% sure she will need it, it's good to know more so we can feel better about it.