single step

single step

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Hungry, Hungry Hippos

Mommy came to see me today, but she said daddy wasn't feeling well and couldn't come. I was sleeping really well when she came but they had to wake me up to do my cares. Man...

Since they stopped giving me milk I am hungry which doesn't help with my tummy being uncomfortable. I'm so hungry I could eat my blanket.

Mmmmmmm blanket... Om-nom-nom.

Mommy thinks when I yawn I look like I'm roaring like a lion. Rawr!!!!!

Tomorrow they will look at my bowels, whatever those are, and see if there is a block that is causing all the trouble. I have a feeling I won't like it. They also want to make sure my spine is ok because I have a dimple on my butt. They think my spine might be tucked into that dimple and cause problems as I grow but they say that's rare so hopefully not. I want to grow big and strong. 

I hope daddy feels better soon. I miss him. 

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