single step

single step

Thursday, August 20, 2015

This Little Light of Mine

I woke up in the middle of the night and Justin was gone. Unfortunately I shut my alarm off and then fell back asleep. I popped back awake at 1:30 and jumped out of bed to quickly pump so things wouldn't get worse. I realized Justin was still gone, but at least this time his phone was gone with him so I gave him a call. He couldn't sleep so he had gone to visit Elizabeth. She hadn't pooped since the last time we were there. :(

As for me, I think my fever finally broke last night and I'm feeling a lot more normal. Sometimes I could swear the red spot looks better, other times it looks like it did when I first saw it and about wet myself with how bad it looked. But since the persistent fever seems to have gone away I'm going to take that as a good sign that the medication is working. Justin still seems to be feeling fine, just working through his antibiotics like I am. Which reminds me, I need to find some probiotics. In other news, I will officially be released from my church calling on Sunday and though I am a little sad, I'm also very relieved because I'll have time once we finally get home to really adjust to motherhood. And I don't have to feel bad about leaving the Young Women's presidency hanging. They will get the help they need.

In other, other news, one of the front desk ladies named Mary looked at me I think yesterday and suddenly declared that I looked like a child star she couldn't remember the name of. I immediately said Christina Ricci because that's what I used to hear all the time. She shook her head and kept trying to come up with a name. I told her that Justin thought I looked like Tina Majorino but that name didn't ring a bell for her until I remembered that as a child she had been in the movie Corrina Corrina. I'm not so sure that I see it, but Kristin (Elizabeth's other nurse) began to nod her head and say she could see it. Eh? I guess you be the judge. I don't hear Christina Ricci anymore, but I've heard Tina Majorino a few times now.

Now I want to go find this movie sometime. I remember liking it.


  1. Can you watch movies on your phone? or do you have a Laptop in Tucson with you?

  2. I have Corina, Corina. Would you like me to send it down with Robby on Tuesday when he goes to Tucson? Also, I have your nursing pillow ready. Would you like it?

    1. Justin's mom bought it on Amazon movies and let me use her account to watch it, but thanks! The pillow I can definitely use though. :D It will help when I'm holding her and whenever we finally get to try breast feeding.

    2. I can't wait to see how cute it is! I wish you were able to come too so I could show you my baby and see you. :)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.
