single step

single step

Monday, August 10, 2015

The Waiting Game

This morning we went in and nothing had really changed. No poop (yup, we're back on poop patrol) but at least she hadn't spit up again. We helped with her care and then Justin took the Kia to get the windshield replaced (again) while I stayed there and sat by her for the rest of the morning. She slept for awhile and every so often she would just bear down and push like she was trying hard to get something out.

This is her in her little, plastic crib. They hope to get her back into a big crib again once one becomes available. They figure she had the cooler temps because there's a vent near her area that blows right where she sleeps. With an extra blanket and a covering over her head, she maintains her temperature just fine. Yay! :) The surgeon came by after lunch and said that she had looked at her colon and it looked good, so she's not worried about a blockage. She like most everyone else we'd heard from today said it was just a time thing. Her body will get there, I just hope it's soon so my heart stops breaking every time she bears down and then whimpers because I'm guessing it hurts to have all that in there going nowhere. It's amazing how much loving your child can hurt, I just never could imagine before. I'm so proud of our little champ though. She will make it, she just needs her body to develop some more.

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