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single step

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


I honestly am just not finding something funny to put with this post, though usually I can. I find laughter is a great medicine in life, but last night when I woke up with chills a slight fever and then a few hours later I woke again with a fever of 101.3, my humor just ran out. We've gotten the fever back down into the 99 range, but it keeps bouncing around. I feel hungry, but not sure if it's safe to eat much right now. No diarrhea or vomiting, but it's enough that I feel I shouldn't go into the NICU until I get this resolved. There's a few things I think might be the cause and we're going to try to get in earlier to obstetrix as I had an appointment anyway.

I'm seeing how easy it would be to question why, to get so upset because today she turns four weeks old and I already worry about what the results of her contrast will be. I wonder if I'll feel well enough to go to Thatcher tomorrow, or if she'll get slated for surgery today or tomorrow. So easy to despair, right? But, I just don't see what good it would do me. And last night, I shared this picture on Facebook:

How ungrateful would I be if I got upset and questioned why God is putting us through all of this, when I know He has sent Angels to be with us? Considering how bad my condition is not, I feel He is blessing me and perhaps I will get to see my baby today and wish her a happy four week birthday. I pray for comfort, and for healing. Thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers on our behalf.

1 comment:

  1. I love your outlook. I think your positive posts are helping those of us that are trying to "stay strong" for you. It seems you are the real Rocks! Thank you! <3
