single step

single step

Monday, August 17, 2015

Family Time

They've started taking her off the TPN for a few hours at night to give her liver a rest. This means she is completely free of tubes and wires for two hours. Which means we can take her back to one of the family rooms in the NICU and have just us family time. 


I think we may get addicted to this. 

They taught us a way to bundle her while standing and Justin was trying it out. Yay for family time! I got so happy over just being able to walk around with her and not get tangled up in lines. So nice!


  1. Those cheeks!!! So squishable and kissable!

  2. These Pictures made my night!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE that you get family time! :)

  3. It was awesome! And yes, her cheeks are so stinkin' cute.
