single step

single step

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Kanga and Roo

Still no poopies this morning, but we went to help with her morning cares and kangaroo cared with her (skin to skin) for awhile. I went to pump after handing her off to Justin and when I was done, I came back to this sweetness.


She bopped his face a time or two, very curious about him and exploratory. She falls asleep on me, but boy she loves playing with Daddy. :) Justin felt her pass gas a few times which seemed to ease her body for a bit. She's done it before, but I still hope it's a sign of things to come. Last we heard, the surgeons hadn't come by yet, but when they do they're supposed to look at the X-ray they did of her abdomen and see if their opinion concurs with the doctors that there's nothing alarming on it. Then they will put their heads together and decide if they should put her back on pedialyte and how much is ok for her right now. We at least got to swab her mouth with milk again so I'm glad that's back on the slate.

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