single step

single step

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Bump in the Road

I just got a call from the NICU because they wanted to notify me that there had been a change. The doctor noticed that our baby has been pretty lethargic and a little pale. I know her temperature has been a little cool the past several times and the nurse tonight had said that could be an indicator of her getting sick. They drew some blood to test and then they started her on some antibiotics just in case. They will call again when they get the blood results unless there's nothing to be worried about.

Justin plans to fast tomorrow. Please, if any of you can as well, please fast for her. I know in the long run she will be alright, and Justin even said that perhaps the antibiotics might help with any inflammation she might have that's hindering her bowels from recovering. As I've taken to saying, everything happens for a reason and maybe this is something that will help her. I won't lie and say I'm not scared, much less not crying right now. This hurts almost more than I can bear, but I want to have faith and know that this is just one more bump in the road that we will get past.

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