single step

single step

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Out for the Count

My first experience with anesthesia was interesting. Justin described it as you start to drift and then you suddenly wake up somewhere else with no concept of time. For me, he gave me something beforehand and all he would call it was two margaritas without the salt. Justin pulled up his camera in hopes of catching something and right as I told him he wasn't going to get anything incriminating, my vision changed and my head spun a little and all I could say was, "Whoa..."

Then they whisked me off before I could do something incriminating. I was watching them set things up when the nurse plopped the plastic thing over my mouth and nose and told me to breath in and out. It was squishy and felt small, with a smell I can't really describe. I wasn't feeling myself drift off at all, and I thought to myself, "This is taking forever."


I was starting to come to and kind of choked on something. I heard a lady exclaim an apology and pulled whatever it was out. Then I got my eyes opened and groggily looked around. Justin called shortly after and they let me talk to him a second before they snatched the phone away and told him just to wait for me down in the room. I was so happy to see him when they finally wheeled me in and my super sweet nurse, Katie came in and fussed over me for a bit. She was an older lady so it was kind of like having a nice grandma take care of me. She had even asked to see pictures of the baby earlier and she of course adored her.

I got discharged fairly quick and we popped in to see our little girl before heading out for dinner with a gift card Justin's dad had given us. I then went back in to see her while Justin ran a quick errand. They've started putting a shirt on her which is a 3 months size so she positively drowns in it, but that also means they've been slowly turning down the heat on her incubator and seeing how she does on her own. I changed her diaper (still no poop) and her shirt, then I got to hold her for awhile. They dimmed the lights and then pop!

She looked around for quite some time, looking at me or all around. I think she might have liked the pattern on my shirt. Anyway! I'm off to bed to get some normal sleep. Thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers.

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