single step

single step

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Every time we come to check on the house I enjoy checking on things and seeing the dogs but I also feel anxious to get back to Tucson. But there's always a silver lining for me, and it's calling the NICU to check on Elizabeth. 

Seems like we always get good news when I call from home. The surgeon came to check on her and was very happy to hear she had pooped and so he collaborated with the NICU doctors and they decided to start her on formula for 24 hours to see if she tolerates it. 

She got her first bottle with about a teaspoon in it at noon and was confused by it more than anything but might have swallowed some. She has been doing well since then. If she continues to improve then they will either up the amount or start her on breast milk tomorrow. 

Her nurse, Cassidi fed her and put her in little pajamas since she's kind of under a vent. But she took it one step further and took pictures of it for us and printed them out. I told her that she's our favorite nurse. 

We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers, they have carried us through so much. We are feeling like we are finally back on track and closer to bringing her home with us. 

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